Cross Country (MS)

Attention Middle Schoolers!

By Anna Kendall | Jul 18, 2024 10:02 AM


The middle school cross country team is open to all incoming 6th-8th graders and is a great tool for building fitness and overall athleticism this fall. Cross country is one of the few sports that sixth graders can participate in and provides a great way for new students to make connections and to be a part of their first team at South Putnam. MS XC is coached by Mrs. Elaine Bye and the first official practice will be after school on August 7th (1st day of school). Students will meet right after school that day in Mrs. Bye's classroom (B10).  Practices take place every day until 4:45 PM and pickup will take place at door 3 behind the high school. If you'd like to get started this summer, conditioning practices will be held on July 23, 25, 30, and August 1st from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM.  The team will meet behind the high school at door 3 and all athletes must have a physical on file to practice.  Bring a water bottle, wear comfy running shoes, and wear appropriate activewear. You can join the Remind class and communicate with Coach Bye via Remind using the following join code: @826c37

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